Rawatan berkaitan Pigmentasi oleh Klinik Dr Wee (Taman Century)

Di Klinik Dr Wee (Taman Century) di Johor Bahru, Johor, Dr. Wee Chian Chuan, Dr. Gow Pei Min, Dr. Nina Henry dan others adalah doktor yang sah dan diperakukan. Kami boleh membantu anda melalui servis dan rawatan Pigmentasi yang terbaik dan berpatutan.

Rawatan dan teknologi perubatan Pigmentasi seperti Rawatan Pigmentasi, Hilangkan Jeragat, Pengisi Teosyal™ ada di sini.

Lihatlah servis Estetik Kecantikan dan Anti-Penuaan, Dermatologi (Kulit) kami di bawah dan hantarkan pertanyaan untuk ketahui lebih lanjut!


Rawatan Pigmentasi

Rawatan Pigmentasi

Terdapat pelbagai jenis pigmentasi pada kulit kita termasuklah freckles (bintik hitam), melasma, bintik-bintik matahari, keratosis dan lain-lain. Ketahui jenis pigmentasi yang anda ada adalah penting untuk mendapatkan rawatan yang betul untuknya. Biasanya, doktor anda akan dapat menentukan jenis pigmentasi yang anda ada dan memberikan rawatan seperti rawatan laser untuk menghilangkan pigmentasi dari kulit anda.

Penyakit dan Gejala
  • Pigmentasi
  • Tompok Penuaan
  • Jeragat
Er-YAG Laser
Nd-YAG Laser
Pengisi Teosyal™
SilkPeel™ Dermalinfusion™
HydraFacial MD®
Dual Yellow Laser
Laser Fotona
Lasik Pico
Meso Whitening
Pengisi PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)
Rejuran Healer
Oxygen Facial
Transcutaneous Mesodermic Therapy (TMT)
Smartxide2 Dot/rf
Venus Viva™
PicoSure® represents the cutting edge of a type of laser technology known as short-pulse lasers. These lasers are designed to “flash” incredibly quickly, in PicoSure®’s case in trillionths of a second. This rapid flashing minimizes the amount of heat and creates a photomechanical effect that’s highly effective in removing tattoo ink and unwanted pigment. PressureWave™ technology is applied by using a unique wavelength of light (755nm) and a specialized lens to convert laser energy into gentle pressure. This pressure squeezes cells, activating the natural cell signalling processes that create new collagen and elastin without burning or damaging the skin. PicoSure® doesn’t rely on heat to burn away and destroy skin to force the body to heal. PicoSure®’s ultra-fast pulses and specialized wavelengths work together to minimize the amount of heat that is transferred. Less heat means less damage to surrounding skin and less risk of injury.
Milk Peel
Mela Peel
Ara Peel
Picosure® 755-nm Alexandrite Laser
Enlighten™ PICO Genesis™
Sylfirm X
Pengelupasan Kimia

Pengelupasan Kimia

Kulit kimia (pengisi kimia) adalah asid yang digunakan pada kulit untuk menyebabkan mengelupas. Proses ini merangsang sel-sel kulit untuk menjana semula permukaan kulit licin. Pengelupasan kimia adalah prosedur mudah yang melibatkan doktor menjatuhkan asid atau bahan kimia perubatan di kawasan sasaran untuk mempromosikan pemulihan kulit. Kulit kimia digunakan dalam merawat jerawat, parut jerawat, pigmentasi dan beberapa rawatan kulit yang lain.

Penyakit dan Gejala
  • Pigmentasi
  • Jerawat
  • Parut Jerawat
Dermaceutic Peel
Milk Peel
Mask Peel
Mela Peel
Salicylic Acid Peel
Ara Peel
Menghilangkan Tompok Penuaan

Menghilangkan Tompok Penuaan

Bintik penuaan atau juga dikenali sebagai bintik-bintik hati adalah kawasan gelap kecil pada kulit anda. Ia biasa ada pada orang dewasa yang berumur lebih tua dari usia 50 tahun. Setelah berunding dengan doktor dan mengenali jenis bintik-bintik usia, rawatan laser dapat digunakan untuk menyingkirkan bintik-bintik umur ini, memberi anda kulit yang jelas dan bebas dari tempat. Tempat umur biasanya dirawat melalui rawatan laser, menggunakan rasuk laser yang dipancarkan ke lapisan kulit untuk menghilangkan pigmentasi.

Penyakit dan Gejala
  • Tompok Penuaan
  • Penyakit Kulit
Rawatan Fractional CO2 Laser
Nd-YAG Laser
Lasik Pico
Edge Pulse Laser
Enlighten™ PICO Genesis™
PicoSure® represents the cutting edge of a type of laser technology known as short-pulse lasers. These lasers are designed to “flash” incredibly quickly, in PicoSure®’s case in trillionths of a second. This rapid flashing minimizes the amount of heat and creates a photomechanical effect that’s highly effective in removing tattoo ink and unwanted pigment. PressureWave™ technology is applied by using a unique wavelength of light (755nm) and a specialized lens to convert laser energy into gentle pressure. This pressure squeezes cells, activating the natural cell signalling processes that create new collagen and elastin without burning or damaging the skin. PicoSure® doesn’t rely on heat to burn away and destroy skin to force the body to heal. PicoSure®’s ultra-fast pulses and specialized wavelengths work together to minimize the amount of heat that is transferred. Less heat means less damage to surrounding skin and less risk of injury.
Fotona 4D®

Rawatan Pembuangan Freckles

Enlighten™ PICO Genesis™
PicoSure® represents the cutting edge of a type of laser technology known as short-pulse lasers. These lasers are designed to “flash” incredibly quickly, in PicoSure®’s case in trillionths of a second. This rapid flashing minimizes the amount of heat and creates a photomechanical effect that’s highly effective in removing tattoo ink and unwanted pigment. PressureWave™ technology is applied by using a unique wavelength of light (755nm) and a specialized lens to convert laser energy into gentle pressure. This pressure squeezes cells, activating the natural cell signalling processes that create new collagen and elastin without burning or damaging the skin. PicoSure® doesn’t rely on heat to burn away and destroy skin to force the body to heal. PicoSure®’s ultra-fast pulses and specialized wavelengths work together to minimize the amount of heat that is transferred. Less heat means less damage to surrounding skin and less risk of injury.
Fotona 4D®
Hilangkan Jeragat

Hilangkan Jeragat

Melasma adalah masalah pigmentasi biasa bagi wanita pada usia 30-an dan seterusnya. Di samping itu, statistik menunjukkan bahawa melasma berlaku pada 90 % wanita, dengan sekitar 25 % daripada mereka mengalami melasma selepas kehamilan. Melasma datang dalam bentuk serpihan atau tompokan dan biasanya berlaku pada kedua-dua belah pipi. Melasma membentuk terutamanya 3 corak di wajah kita: Jenis Centrofacial: muncul pada dahi, hidung, pipi, bibir atas, dagu Jenis Malar: kelihatan hanya pada pipi Jenis Mandibular: hanya muncul pada tulang rahang Rawatan laser biasanya digunakan untuk merawat melasma kerana ia boleh menembusi lapisan kulit yang lebih dalam untuk mengeluarkan pigmentasi. Anda boleh berbincang dengan doktor dengan terperinci tentang jenis rawatan laser yang paling sesuai untuk keadaan anda.

Penyakit dan Gejala
  • Jeragat
Er-YAG Laser
Nd-YAG Laser
Lasik Pico
PicoSure® represents the cutting edge of a type of laser technology known as short-pulse lasers. These lasers are designed to “flash” incredibly quickly, in PicoSure®’s case in trillionths of a second. This rapid flashing minimizes the amount of heat and creates a photomechanical effect that’s highly effective in removing tattoo ink and unwanted pigment. PressureWave™ technology is applied by using a unique wavelength of light (755nm) and a specialized lens to convert laser energy into gentle pressure. This pressure squeezes cells, activating the natural cell signalling processes that create new collagen and elastin without burning or damaging the skin. PicoSure® doesn’t rely on heat to burn away and destroy skin to force the body to heal. PicoSure®’s ultra-fast pulses and specialized wavelengths work together to minimize the amount of heat that is transferred. Less heat means less damage to surrounding skin and less risk of injury.
Mask Peel
Mela Peel
Enlighten™ PICO Genesis™
Fotona 4D®
Sylfirm X
Rawatan Hiperpigmentasi

Rawatan Hiperpigmentasi

Hiperpigmentasi adalah keadaan di mana tompokan kulit anda menjadi lebih gelap dalam warna yang tidak normal. Ini disebabkan oleh lebihan melanin yang terbentuk di kawasan tertentu pada kulit anda. Melanin adalah pigmen berwarna coklat atau gelap. Hiperpigmentasi boleh muncul di muka, leher, dagu, kaki, tangan, lengan dan di belakang anda. Hiperpigmentasi biasanya dirawat menggunakan laser dan boleh dilakukan dalam beberapa sesi cepat. Bincangkan dengan doktor anda untuk melihat rawatan yang sesuai dengan anda.

Penyakit dan Gejala
  • Pigmentasi
Milk Peel
Mela Peel
Ara Peel
Enlighten™ PICO Genesis™
PicoSure® represents the cutting edge of a type of laser technology known as short-pulse lasers. These lasers are designed to “flash” incredibly quickly, in PicoSure®’s case in trillionths of a second. This rapid flashing minimizes the amount of heat and creates a photomechanical effect that’s highly effective in removing tattoo ink and unwanted pigment. PressureWave™ technology is applied by using a unique wavelength of light (755nm) and a specialized lens to convert laser energy into gentle pressure. This pressure squeezes cells, activating the natural cell signalling processes that create new collagen and elastin without burning or damaging the skin. PicoSure® doesn’t rely on heat to burn away and destroy skin to force the body to heal. PicoSure®’s ultra-fast pulses and specialized wavelengths work together to minimize the amount of heat that is transferred. Less heat means less damage to surrounding skin and less risk of injury.
Fotona 4D®
Sylfirm X
Rawatan Tona Kulit Tidak Sekata

Rawatan Tona Kulit Tidak Sekata

Adakah anda mempunyai tona kulit yang tidak sekata? Kadang-kala kulit kita mempunyai tompok atau bahagian dengan tona warna yang berbeza kerana pendedahan kepada sinaran UV berbahaya, merokok, tekanan atau perubahan hormon. Tona kulit yang tidak sekata biasanya boleh dirawat menggunakan rawatan laser atau fototerapi. Anda boleh berbincang dengan doktor anda untuk melihat rawatan yang sesuai dengan keadaan anda.

Penyakit dan Gejala
  • Kulit Kusam
Enlighten™ PICO Genesis™
PicoSure® represents the cutting edge of a type of laser technology known as short-pulse lasers. These lasers are designed to “flash” incredibly quickly, in PicoSure®’s case in trillionths of a second. This rapid flashing minimizes the amount of heat and creates a photomechanical effect that’s highly effective in removing tattoo ink and unwanted pigment. PressureWave™ technology is applied by using a unique wavelength of light (755nm) and a specialized lens to convert laser energy into gentle pressure. This pressure squeezes cells, activating the natural cell signalling processes that create new collagen and elastin without burning or damaging the skin. PicoSure® doesn’t rely on heat to burn away and destroy skin to force the body to heal. PicoSure®’s ultra-fast pulses and specialized wavelengths work together to minimize the amount of heat that is transferred. Less heat means less damage to surrounding skin and less risk of injury.
Fotona 4D®
Dual Yellow Laser
Sylfirm X